Both the consultants have extensive experience in delivering babies working in a place where women choose natural childbirth over cesarean section but where high risk cases are also a frequent event. This ensures that they can give the best possible care to low risk women but are also able to respond promptly and appropriately when emergencies occur.

Their delivery care is centred around choice and partnership with their clients.

They feel that women and their partners should have a choice in childbirth and that these choices should be respected. This choice is more often than not to reduce the amount of unnecessary medical intervention and to optimise the chances of a normal untraumatic delivery.

Where unforeseen circumstances prevail they endeavour to guide their clients through the various interventions that may be necessary such as induction of labour, augmentation, epidural and Caesarean section. These may not be desired interventions, but sometimes they are necessary to improve the chances of a normal delivery or to ensure safe delivery for mother and baby

It is important to be able to discuss these interventions and issues around them in a mature empathic way, to filter out disinformation and to put them in their proper context so that in partnership with their clients they can plan the best strategies to achieve the desired outcome

During the ante-natal period they ensure that there is ample time to discuss all the various issues surrounding the delivery so that their clients have time to prepare themselves for the birth and make the best choices appropriate to their individual circumstances. This, in partnership, allows the formation of a realistic birth plan tailored to each individual.

Issues that might need to be discussed in advance are to name but a few, how long to allow the pregnancy to continue, induction and augmentation of labour, epidural anaesthesia and other pain relief options, positions in labour and childbirth, intermittent or continuous fetal heart rate monitoring, episiotomy, pelvic floor trauma, timing of cord clamping and Caesarean Section.

Immediately after the birth, couples may also have choices concerning issues such as early skin to skin contact and when to first put the baby to the breast. Women and their partners may have strong feelings about any one of these and both Consultants understand this and will try wherever possible to ensure that these wishes are respected.

From experience they also understand that it is not always possible to achieve the desired outcome, perhaps because the baby gets stuck in the birth canal or because the baby becomes distressed. Around one in 500 deliveries will also have a serious unexpected complication such as placental abruption, cord prolapse or excessive bleeding after delivery. They believe that these outcomes also require discussion in advance, to improve confidence going in to labour, and to reduce stress should an emergency situation arise.

In summary, both Dr tabassum and Dr NB Dalla believe that delivery care is best individualised to each couple and that the safest and best way to manage the delivery is chosen in partnership with them whether this is a low intervention delivery, a carefully managed labour or an elective Caesarean section.

Caesarean Section

At Jubesta's maternity care we are keen to promote choice for women. Most women will choose to try and have as natural a birth as possible, and we strongly support this because we believe that natural birth is always scores over c section. However for those who would need a Caesarean section both Dr Tabassum Dalla and Dr NB Dalla have very extensive experience in performing Caesarean sections.

A Caesarean section can be a very positive experience and we do our best to make it as pleasant and relaxed as possible. Almost all our women have epidural or spinal anaesthesia and we can delay cord clamping if desired and we encourage skin to skin contact with the baby whilst the Caesarean is completed. The baby is normally delivered within just a few minutes and is then given to mum and dad to cuddle if that is what they wish. The rest of the operation then takes about another 30 minutes.


Pain is a subjective feeling and is defined as ‘an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience, which may or may not be associated with tissue damage’. Hence, pain and the tolerance to pain vary greatly from person to person.
Labour pain is rated as severe by most women who do not receive pain relief. With advent of modern medicine and availability of techniques with skilled practitioner, painless labour is now possible.It is dependent on your tolerance level and the choice you want to make.
Epidural for painless labour and delivery - ‘What, when, why, how?’ All questions answered

• WHAT is an Epidural?

Epidural is a small injection placed in your lower back, through which a fine tube (epidural catheter), the size of a thread, is passed into your back. Drugs can be injected through this tube to facilitate painless normal delivery. These drugs are local anaesthetics which cause numbing of the nerves and pain sensation without affecting the ability to move. These drugs are also very safe for the baby. With an epidural in place, you may feel the contractions, but they will not be painful.

WHY have an Epidural?

• Epidural is the best method of pain relief in labour, among all the options available.

• Epidural can allow you to rest, relax, get focused and give you the strength to move forward as an positive birth experience.

• If you deliver by caesarean section, the same epidural can be used to provide anaesthesia during the operation and effective pain relief during recovery.

• When other types of coping mechanisms are no longer helping, an epidural can help you deal with exhaustion, irritability and fatigue. And, it ensures that you have painless labour and delivery.

• WHO can have an epidural?

All women in labour who need pain relief can have an epidural, except those on blood thinning drugs or abnormal blood tests. Epidural is not always necessary for you to have normal delivery, but it can be beneficial in reducing the pain of labour.

WHO should have an epidural?

In some patients epidural is recommended to optimise outcome.

• If you have a complicated or prolong labour. In such circumstances it will benefit you and your baby. So that, you can have a stress-fee and painless normal delivery.

• If you are trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean section)

• If you have certain medical conditions such as certain heart conditions, hypertension & preeclampsia.

• WHO should not have an epidural?

• Those with certain bleeding disorders.

Those taking medications that can affect blood clotting (clopidogrel, heparin, warfarin, etc).

• If you have had a Lower back surgery (in certain cases).

• If you have certain neurological disorders.

Your obstetrician and anesthetist will discuss these with you.

• HOW is the epidural done?

you will first need a drip, which is fluid running into a vein in your arm. You will be asked to curl up on your side or sit bending forwards. Your back will be cleaned and a little injection of local anaesthetic given into the skin, so putting in the epidural should hardly hurt. A small tube is put into your back near the nerves carrying pain from the uterus. It is important to keep still while the anaesthesiologist is putting in the epidural, but after the tube is in place you will be free to move. Through the tube pain relieving drugs can be given continuously by a pump. The anaesthesiologist and your nurse will check that the epidural is working well so that you have a painless normal delivery.

• WHAT monitoring will be done for your safety?

Monitoring will be done to note any changes in your blood pressure. This will be done initially at short intervals and then at longer intervals. Your baby’s heart rate will be checked intermittently or continuously as per the Obstetrician’s advice. This will ensure that apart from having a normal delivery, you will also have a painless delivery.

• WHEN can I have an epidural?

Pain is the reason to have epidural and whenever your pain is significant you can request for an epidural. You only need to be in established labour, but there is no need to wait for a particular dilatation of the cervix. Also in those very anxious or keen to have an epidural, it can be placed at a convenient time before the labour pain is too bad, so that your cooperation is better.

• HOW effective is an Epidural?

Epidural analgesia causes significant reduction in pain. In fact, it is the most effective method for painless labour and delivery. Compared to when you did not have an epidural, there will be a significant reduction of pain and discomfort. All the same, you will feel some pressure symptoms and some tightness with contractions. Sometimes, especially towards the last part of labour, there will be discomfort related to the pressure effect of the baby’s head in the perineal area. These symptoms can also be removed if a “stronger dose’ of medicine is given, but there may be a risk of causing muscle block and inability to push to deliver the baby.

• Can an Epidural Fail?

Occasionally, epidural may not work as well as we would like it to. If this happens while you are going through a normal delivery, the anaesthesiologist will help by giving extra doses or changing your position or the catheter position. If it still does not work, the procedure has to be repeated (by placing the epidural catheter again).

• Side effects and complications.

• Epidural can cause a drop in your blood pressure. To decrease this risk, you will be given fluids through an intravenous line.

• Some women may have itching which disappears when the epidural is stopped. Medication can be given to relieve the sensation.

• An epidural may prolong the second stage of labour and reduce the urge to bear down. Occasionally this may result in you having an instrumental delivery

• One in 100 women may develop severe headache after an epidural. It is called post dural puncture headache and can be treated.

• About one in 2000 mothers gets a feeling of tingling or pins and needles down one leg after having a baby. Such problems are more likely to result from childbirth itself than from an epidural.

• A small number of women may experience numbness or heaviness in the legs. It usually wears off once the epidural is discontinued. The risk of any permanent damage is extremely low.

• Do epidurals cause back ache?

Backache is common during pregnancy and often continues afterwards when you are looking after your baby. There is now good evidence that epidurals do not cause long-term backache, though you may feel soreness at the site of the injection for a few days.

Do epidurals increase the chance of a cesarean section?

A large amount of research has been done on this topic and it is clear that epidural per se does not influence the rate of cesarean section. A proportion of women planning normal delivery will end up having a cesarean section. This proportion remains the same with or without an epidural.


• We have a dedicated Anaesthesiologist to provide round the clock epidural service, and make sure that you have painless and normal delivery. All the doctors are trained in dealing with any problems that may arise. From the time an epidural is asked, the procedure will be done within half an hour most often. It takes a further 15 to 20 minutes for the injected drug to produce pain relief.
• If you have any queries, please contact the consultant in charge.

Care for your new born

Our paediatrician Dr Anju Parakh provides comprehensive and specialised care for all newborns. She will advise all the needed screening tests and help your baby stay in good health. Our expert paediatrician will do a complete physical examination, and refer your baby to specialised neonatal care hospital, if any extra care is needed. We strive to provide you with the right information so that you would be a well-informed new parent.

Our department will also coordinate with you to work on your baby’s ongoing healthcare once your baby is discharged from the hospital. We help you create a proper nutrition plan both for the baby and mother and also design a vaccination schedule for your newborn. We list out all the required and elective vaccinations, and help you create a schedule so that you can get your baby to the hospital.

If the baby need special care, paediatrician provide evaluation and treatment for babies with simple and complex prematurity, congenital deformities and genetic abnormalities, neonatal infections, as well as neurological and metabolic disorders. When required , we immediately shift the baby to Level III NICU at Ekta hospital and research institute which is one of the best equipped and staffed units in Raipur in a well equipped ambulance with a trained staff to take care of the baby during ambulation.

Child birth preparation classes

Pregnancy and childbirth though happy events, instils tremendous fear and insecurity in a woman's mind. Most maternal anxiety comes from lack of knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth, the changes in their bodies, process of birth, and severity of pain during delivery and in obstetrics; research has proven that levels of anxiety have been shown to predict complications in both mother and child.

At Jubesta Hospitals, childbirth preparation classes are conducted for pregnant couples every month. In these classes the trainer meet couple informally and take them through the changes in pregnancy, what are the do's and don'ts, right eating habits, exercise and fitness. These classes empower pregnant women; make them fearless and more confident. They cope with pregnancy and labor pains very well and have increased rates of vaginal births.

Childbirth without fear
"Fear comes from not knowing. When we are absolutely certain about our knowledge, we are almost impervious to fear."
- William Congreve, English dramatist (1670-1729)

Birth is as ancient as life and as natural a process as breathing. Then isn’t it time women stopped fearing about birth. Today’s women seeks information as it increases her confidence levels and helps her de-stress, which in a way lessens the perception of pain and helps her have a better childbirth experience. Our aim is for you to view birth more positively and encourage yourself to be more confident in the natural ability to give birth.

The Childbirth preparation classes at Jubesta hospital, allows women to understand what her body is capable of achieving and the changes it goes through. This knowledge empowers her to have a positive birth experience and to have a feeling of being in control. They also empower pregnant women and make them fearless and more confident. Women cope with pregnancy and labor pains very well and have increased rates of vaginal birth after having attended these sessions. Questions and queries are encourages and handled through these sessions.

For further details please contact: councillor: Ms Humaira phone no.

Women in all stages of pregnancy can attend

TIME: 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM first Monday of every month

Regular classes : Time: 11am to 12 noon. : 4 days week.

The Birth

Towards the end of the pregnancy, a plan for the birth/delivery will be discussed in more detail. We will talk about the signs to watch out for associated with spontaneous labour in addition to the pros and cons of induction of labour and Caesarean Section if required. We will ensure that all our clients are able to attend us 24 hours a day in case of an emergency and that they are aware of what to do in the event of a problem. Once in labour, we aim to provide continuity, so that wherever possible women are looked after by the Consultants(dr tabassum dalla & dr nb dalla) along with their assistants.

For the labour and birth, we will have a labour room on the 2nd floor of the Jubesta hospital.labour room is nicely furnished, and is comfortable .it is also equipped with the latest state of the art technology that may be required for the safety of mother and baby. Delivering woman If an epidural is required, a dedicated consultant anaesthetist is also present on call. To provide service for the new born there is also a paediatrician, 24 hours a day.

Postnatal care

We understand that the first few days of motherhood can be a new and sometimes difficult experience and so we aim to provide all the help and support that may be needed at this stage. Jubesta hospital has facilities to enable partners to stay at this time which most women find makes a real difference. There are staff nurses, health care assistants ,nutritionist and ourselves on hand. This enables women to rest, recover and be supported in the early days of motherhood. In the few days following the birth, we will visit, usually 2 times a day, until women and their babies are well and confident enough to go home. In addition, care is provided by a team of experienced staff. They will keep a check on blood pressure, pulse and temperature, provide advice and support, and generally help to look after the baby. As always, Dr Tabassum Dalla and Dr NB Dalla will by available for rounds and over phone to talk through any unresolved concerns

Breastfeeding facilities
You will have access to the breast-feeding helpers in the form of our experienced nurses to make your journey of Breast feeding full filling and enjoyable.
At Jubesta Hospital promoting breast feeding and supporting new mothers to breast feed is an integral part of post-delivery care. Our consultants check mothers and baby every day to promote and sustain breast feeding.
Although there is no doubt about the fact that breastfeeding is the very best for both the newborn baby and mother, unfortunately breastfeeding is becoming a lost art these days. The experience of breastfeeding a newborn can be very enriching but also daunting at the same time. A lack of understanding of the process, lack of support (especially due to the vanishing of joint family concept) and the compulsory situation of the modern working women forcing them to multitask and balance many roles is leading them to resort to bottle feeding.
Understanding that nurse's role is of paramount importance in tutoring the mother regarding proper Breast feeding, we at Jubesta Hospitals have been conducting workshops for nurses preparing them theoretically on the nuances of Lactation and also giving them practical hands-on experience.
Late booking for pregnancy at our care

If you are already in your second or third trimester, it is not too late to register with us and receive our Consultant care for the remaining weeks of your pregnancy and delivery.